Our Beers

We are a new craft brewery, and it is exciting times. We currently have three core beers - our Pale Ale, our Amber Ale and our IPA, as well as a summer special - a Farm Table Saison. We are proud of them all, and we hope to bring you more soon.


Pale Ale

Our clean, crisp Maris Otter malt combines with shore-facing pine and refreshing citrus hop flavours. Truly, a beer for the best of times.

Amber Ale

Roasted malt meets fresh hop. Smooth, well balanced and easy drinking. A beer in harmony. We call it the perfect sundowner.


Our American style-IPA is made using our prized Maris Otter malt with Pacific Coast and Slovenian hops to create a bold, deeply satisfying beer. 


Farm Table Saison

A classic saison brewed with own award winning malt. A dry, crisp and refreshing beer with a light spicy hop finish.



A storm is brewing. Smooth black malt combines with fresh citrus hop and a reassuring bitterness. Take refuge and hunker down.


Contemporary continental style Lager, dry hoped for a little more hop prominence.